Lena is Chief Economist and Head of Analysis at Business Sweden, the Swedish Trade and Investment Council, with a background from Nordea, the Ministry of Finance and the National Institute of Economic Research. Lena has extensive experience in business intelligence and economic analysis. Prior to her role at Business Sweden, she was Chief Analyst at Nordea Markets. She has a solid experience of working in the public sector. She has been Head of Public Finance at the National Institute of Economic Research and worked for over ten years at the Ministry of Finance, including as Deputy Head of Tax Economic Analysis. In addition, she has been an expert in several public inquiries and for many years has been a Swedish delegate in working group meetings and bilateral negotiations within the EU and OECD. She has also been a board member of the Norwegian Research Council and an expert in the South Sweden Chamber of Commerce’s “Productivity Commission”. She is also a columnist for the German business newspaper “Handelsblatt”