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Consumer Lending

Consumer Lending

Create customers for life with credit decisioning software for instant approvals and more accurate risk decisions.

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Risk Decisioning, Data, and Analytics for a World-Class Customer Experience.

Consumer lending is an enormous global market, reaching $11 billion in 2022. Competition is stiff, so consumers have the luxury of choice for their lending products – it’s up to you to provide fast approvals and simplified processes to reduce abandonment and improve customer experience and competitive advantage.  With ever-changing regulations and economic conditions, you must also be ready to pivot at a moment’s notice. 

Meet changing customer needs with one-stop risk decisioning software, offering automated decisioning, real-time alternative and traditional data integration, and advanced analytics to enable quick approvals, personalized pricing and rapid innovation for a superior customer experience.


Consumer Lending Software Built for Innovation

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Automated loan approval

Automate loan approval to improve customer experience with smart processes that recommend specific conditions and pricing for each customer and loan, delivered in seconds.

Faster loan processing

Integrated origination and credit decisioning automatically determines risk level and recommends the next best action for fast loan approval and simplified applications.

Accurate risk decisioning

User-friendly risk data and decisioning ecosystem supports the whole customer lifecycle with simple data integration, risk modeling and accurate risk prediction.

Agile decisioning models

No-code tools put you in control to simplify and automate processes, launch new products, and rapidly respond to market changes.

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Our platform makes us unique. Our results make you stand out.

Resources to dig a little deeper

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Companies like you use Provenir


Frequently asked questions

Get the answers to the questions you need to conquer consumer lending.

Want to learn more?

Push low-risk applications straight-through to approval, flag complex requests for additional analysis and streamline end-to-end processes with advanced credit decisioning technology.

Speed and personalization are key to world-class customer experience and essential factors to reduce abandonment. Get both with automated consumer lending software that powers smarter decisions instantly.

Innovation has never been easier with an agile data and decisioning platform. Go to market faster with real-time data analytics and smarter decisioning to test, iterate, and launch on your timeline.

Create a technology foundation that can support evolving legislation with the ability to make changes to processes easily thanks to no-code, drag-and-drop UI. Democratized data access lets any user respond to market changes and evolving consumer demand seamlessly.

Integrate alternative data sources right into your decisioning engine through a single API for fast and easy access to the data you need, when you need it. Connect existing systems and a wide variety of data sources to create a centralized data hub that powers all of your decisioning and insights needs.

Let’s build smarter, together.