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Simplify and Streamline
Financial Analysis and Risk Rating

Allison Karavos
January 1, 2021

Corporate, commercial and SME lending demands extensive financial analysis and risk rating to determine the credit-worthiness of any organization. Lending institutions are bogged down with manual processes for capturing and analyzing essential data to determine accurate ratings.

With Provenir, you can take the manual effort out of financial analysis and risk rating. Provenir offers a unified, flexible solution, automatically aggregating data from disparate and unstructured sources, standardizing it into a common financial model and applying the appropriate ratings model to determine quantitative risk ratings. In addition, Provenir enables rule-based qualitative analysis specific to industries and segments for in-depth analysis before determining overall ratings.

  • Cut time and costs for data enrichment with pre-built adaptors that automatically consolidate comprehensive financial and company information, including entity relationships and group structures, from any enterprise and third-party data sources.
  • Simplify and streamline risk rating across multiple statement formats, countries and currencies with automated normalization and business-defined financial statement templates.
  • Improve consistency and compliance while reducing risk with scorecards and risk models operationalized in automated risk rating processes. Provenir is model-agnostic so that you can use any third-party model or scorecard developed in industry-standard tools such SAS, R and Excel.
  • Enhance business agility using configuration tools that allow you to quickly create, test and deploy streamlined risk rating strategies.
  • Accelerate deployment with Provenir Cloud which offers a highly secure cloud computing environment with flexible options for domain setup, managed services, deployments and scalability.

Streamline Data Capture and Normalization

  • Pre-built integration adaptors aggregate company, financial and relationship data maintained in enterprise and third-party systems, creating a central hub to view and manage relevant information.
  • Support for multiple data capture options provides flexibility including manual data entry, document scanning and automatic uploading from multiple systems.
  • Business-defined templates for financial statements, such as income statements, cash flows and balance sheets across industries, geographies and languages offer a quick way to capture and validate data.
  • Automated application of business-defined rules standardize the presentation of financial statements captured in multiple formats, languages, currencies, etc.
  • A complete audit trail, including change tracking and version control, ensures the most recent financial statements are used in risk analysis.
  • Robust native reporting simplifies reviewing historical financial data. Data can be sent to external data warehouses and reporting systems.

Operationalize Your Risk Analytics

  • Model-agnostic integration allows scorecards and risk models developed in SAS, R and Excel or exported using PMML or MathML to be operationalized in automated risk rating.
  • Easy-to-use wizards import a model, map and validate data in minutes and without any coding.
  • Support for configuring scorecards directly within Provenir or importing third-party scorecards provides implementation flexibility.

Improve Risk Rating Efficiency and Effectiveness

  • Rules-driven decisioning applies risk models and scorecards to aggregated financial data to automatically determine a quantitative rating.
  • Dynamically generated questions based on such factors as financial data, industry and region simplify development of qualitative ratings by guiding users through the process.
  • Business rules can be used to combine quantitative and qualitative scores into an overall risk rating.
  • Business-friendly user interface makes it easy to manage risk rating on an on-going basis, such as viewing previous or historical ratings, modifying ratings, re-rating and transferring risk between related entities.
  • Automated portfolio monitoring can continually assess performance for any aspect of a loan portfolio with early warning indicators identifying potential problems.
  • Spreading capabilities use existing financial data to simulate potential future scenarios for a specified period of time.

Increase Business Agility

  • A visual configuration environment provides graphical tools and wizards to quickly implement streamlined financial analysis and risk rating processes.
  • Flexible configuration tools facilitate quick integration with multiple data sources including enterprise and third-party systems, websites and social media.
  • Configurable adaptors support quick integration to core banking systems to complete the loan origination lifecycle.

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